ADL Resources for Educators
ADL Education Page:
Available for educators: Lesson plans, anti-bias tools and strategies, “Table Talk:” family conversations about bias issues, Books Matter (reading list).
No Place for Hate®:
Explanation of ADL’s banner anti-bias program in schools, and ways to participate.
Educational Resources in Spanish:
ADL has numerous educational resources in Spanish, and you can find them here.
ADL Center on Extremism:
We track extremist trends, ideologies and groups across the ideological spectrum. Our staff of investigators, analysts, researchers and technical experts strategically monitor, expose and disrupt extremist threats.
ADL Center for Technology and Society:
ADL Center for Technology & Society is a research-driven advocacy center that works to end the proliferation of antisemitism and all forms of hate and harassment online. Our team partners with industry, civil society, government and targeted communities to expose these harms, hold tech companies accountable and fight for just, equitable online spaces.
Antisemitism Uncovered:
Antisemitism Uncovered: A Guide to Old Myths in a New Era is a comprehensive resource with historical context, fact-based descriptions of prevalent antisemitic myths, contemporary examples and calls-to-action for addressing this hate.
ADL Center for Antisemitism Research:
ADL Center for Antisemitism Research advances the global field of antisemitism research, seeking answers to the questions foundational to understanding, preventing and reducing antisemitism.
ADL H.E.A.T. Map:
ADL H.E.A.T. Map™ (Hate, Extremism, Antisemitism, Terrorism) is the first-of-its-kind interactive and customizable map detailing specific incidents of hate, extremism, antisemitism and terrorism by state and nationwide. This interactive map lets you read details on specific incidents, better understand tactics extremists use, compare activity by type and/or state and access and download raw data.
ADL Hate Symbols Database:
This database provides an overview of many of the symbols most frequently used by a variety of white supremacist groups and movements, as well as some other types of hate groups.
How to Respond to an Incident:
What You Can Do When the Swastika Appears in Your Classroom:
History of the swastika:
For more information on ADL Education Programs and Resources, email ADL Southwest Education Director Dr. Chantel L. Henderson at