350 students and 75 educators attended the 2014 Beau and Abe Merfish No Place for Hate® Youth Summit at South Texas College of Law October 24.
The Youth Summit began with a performance of True Confessions of a Bully by the Dionysus Theatre Troupe, which features actors with disabilities alongside actors who are able-bodied.
Students then went to breakout sessions where they participated in ADL’s A WORLD OF DIFFERENCE® Institute’s Becoming an Ally anti-bullying activities, while educators experienced two sessions.
The first session focused on mental health in the classroom and was facilitated by Janet Pozmantier and Judy Kajander both from Mental Health America of Greater Houston.
The second session was facilitated by Dr. Eileen Westerman and ADL Education Director Susan Shaw and addressed the issue of active learning in the classroom.
Students and educators ended the day with an inspirational speech from Houston’s First Lady, Kathy Hubbard which was received with cheers and rousing applause.
The event was very successful thanks to underwriters, Rochelle, Alan, Julie and Scott Jacobson, and dozens of hard-working volunteers.