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Being A Voice for Vulnerable Child Detainees

  • August 24, 2018

Several thousand unaccompanied and separated immigrant minors are detained in over 100 facilities around the country. Anti-Defamation League (ADL) lawyers participated in a pro-bono opportunity with partner immigration organizations on a site visit to a children’s detention facility in South Texas. The volunteer lawyers had the chance to learn about the conditions of the detention facility and capture the stories and experiences of the unaccompanied and separated immigrant minors who are currently detained.The situation remains in constant flux. We will continue to monitor ongoing litigation regarding the conditions of these detention centers and the reunification of children who were separated from their parents.

The situation remains in constant flux. We will continue to monitor ongoing litigation regarding the conditions of these detention centers and the reunification of children who were separated from their parents.

We encourage board members, etc. to participate in similar volunteer opportunities and we will continue to share these opportunities with lawyers and other professionals on our Regional Board, Associate/Young Professionals Board, GLI, Civil Rights Committees, and beyond.