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GLI Social and Pride Celebration Well-Attended, Informative

  • July 3, 2024

A diverse group of young leaders attended ADL’s Glass Leadership Institute (GLI) Social and Pride Celebration June 25 at Houston’s Koffeteria. GLI brings young adults ages 25-45 together numerous times over the course of a year for educational sessions on ADL’s work, resources, and opportunities for involvement.

Participants networked, noshed on delicious food created by Vanaran Kuch, the celebrity chef and owner of the restaurant, and learned about ADL, GLI, and how they could be part of both.

ADL Southwest Regional Board Chair Martin Siegel spoke about the agency’s civil rights work and mounting fight against antisemitism. Southwest Regional Development Director Mary Gentry-Roberts also spoke about the importance of raising funds for ADL programs and creating a culture of philanthropy around ADL work.

“I was incredibly impressed with the number of people who showed up to celebrate Pride Month with us and learn more about how ADL not only supports the Jewish community but the LGBTQ+ community as well,” said ADL Southwest Region Associate Director and GLI coordinator Margi Levin.

Participants included several GLI alumni. Current GLI chair Andrew Burnett attended, along with co-chair Sabrina Tour and last year’s chair Rachel Zuckman. Others from the 2023-2024 GLI class included Harel Bassan, Rachael Levy, and Laurie Drew. There were alumni from earlier GLI classes in attendance as well.

To apply to be part of the upcoming Glass Leadership Institute in ADL’s Southwest Region, click here.