As an agency that supports inclusiveness, justice and fair treatment for all, ADL has always supported the United States being a refuge for immigrants and having humane immigration policies.
Conditions that many immigrants and refugees find themselves in now are inhumane and cruel. ADL continues to call for oversight of detention facilities and alternatives to detention, reunification of families, and that the government immediately act to improve conditions in these facilities and comply with U.S. law. ADL also calls for Congress to eliminate the Muslim Ban, as well as asylum and refugee bans.
Here are three simple, quick things you can do to help:
Sign our petition opposing attacks on the asylum and refugee systems in America and ask others to sign it as well.
Urge your members of Congress to support the Keep Families Together Act and prevent families from being separated at the border.
Urge Congress to support the No Ban Act, which would eliminate the Muslim ban, asylum bans and refugee bans.
You are not alone in the fight for humane immigration reform! Join ADL in that fight today!