The following are expectations of Board Members of the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL) Southwest Region.  ADL Board Members: 

  • Actively participate in the work of ADL with staff and other Board Members to support ADL’s mission “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and secure justice and fair treatment for all”
  • Act as ambassadors for ADL’s work in the community and advise on program and policy choices
  • Make concrete contributions in giving and getting financial resources to help ADL achieve its mission

Expected Participation of ADL Regional Board Members:

  1. Attendance at Board Meetings: Board meetings are held in Houston 6-8 times a year during lunch where voting occurs on policy issues and programs and national and local speakers report on the ADL’s work. Members should attend most of the meetings.  One or two board meetings may be held in the evening.
  1. Service on an ADL Committee: The ADL has five standing committees and several ad hoc committees that work in a wide range of areas to help achieve the ADL’s mission.  A description of current committees and their work is available in an attachment.  There are also several ad hoc committees addressing key issues of the day.  Service on at least one standing or ad-hoc committee is part of each Board Member’s commitment to ADL.
  1. Financial Support:
    1. As a non-profit agency, ADL depends on the support of its members. Board Members over 35 are responsible for making an annual gift of at least $2500.  Board Members age 30-35 are responsible for making an annual gift of at least $1875. Board Members under 30 are responsible for making an annual gift of at least $1250.  ADL’s expenses are paid out of its current funding, so members must make their pledge by March 1 of each year to allow ADL staff to appropriately allocate resources for the year.
    2. The annual gift may be applied to any of ADL’s events, such as Houston in Concert Against Hate, the Karen H. Susman Jurisprudence Luncheon, or the No Place for Hate Luncheon, and may be paid in a lump sum or in installments during the same calendar year. All gifts must be paid by December 31.
    3. Board Members are expected to help solicit donations to ADL by making introductions to donors, foundations and friends to expand ADL’s base of financial and substantive support and understanding.
  1. General Support
    1. Board Members are expected to follow ADL activities through social media (Facebook, Twitter), ADL’s website, and regional newsletters.
    2. Board Members are asked to attend national ADL meetings at least every other year. These meetings are traditionally held in Washington DC in the spring and in a regional hub or New York City in the fall.
    3. Board Members are asked to help serve as a link to individuals in other parts of our ADL’s region which spans from El Paso to Beaumont and south.