Blog Archives

Words to Action Facilitators Busy

Some Houston-area Jewish students are better prepared to recognize and respond to anti-Semitism, thanks to ADL’s Words to Action Program and  two dedicated Words to Action facilitators, Erica Robinson and Jenny Selber Gustafson. Jenny recently worked with 50 congregants at Congregation Beth Shalom of the Woodlands (CBSW). The group included teens and parents. CBSW’s Adult Education Chaperone, Beryl Geber, said

Message from the Board Chair

As I begin my term as chair of the ADL Southwest Region, it is daunting and exciting for me.   It is pretty easy to identify where the daunting part comes from. In the last months of 2018, at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, we were sadly witness to the deadliest attack on Jews on American soil: an attack

Post-Pittsburgh Recap

The shocking attack on Jews praying at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life Synagogue reminds us of the importance and relevance of the work we do.  We have been redoubling our efforts in the fight against anti-Semitism and all other kinds of hate, and we are dedicated to preventing atrocities like the Pittsburgh attack. Here is a wrap-up of what we did

2018 Walter Kase Educator Excellence Award Recipients Chosen

Three counselors from three different school districts have been selected to receive 2018’s Walter Kase Educator Excellence Awards for their outstanding efforts to create a school atmosphere that promotes respect for and understanding of diversity. This year’s recipients include: Amy Cmaidalka of Bay Colony Elementary School in the Dickinson Independent School District, Dorothy Leahy of Tanglewood Middle School in the

Words of Gratitude

We always like to hear from those who benefit from our programs and services.  We thought you might like to see a couple of examples of what they are saying!  Here are two messages from recent programs and services: Houston Assistant Police Chief Larry Satterwhite just got back from ADL’s National Counterterrorism Seminar.  He says,  “this has been an incredible