Blog Archives

Consular Representatives Speak to ADL Board

Consular Representatives Speak to ADL Board Representatives from the consulates of France and Denmark, countries that have experienced recent violent anti-Semitic crimes, spoke at ADL’s February board meeting, reassuring board members that their countries abhor anti-Semitism and will use the full measure of their abilities and laws to fight it. Board members first saw stirring video statements from both countries’

ADL National Civil Rights Director Discusses “The Fierce Urgency of Now”

The title of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) National Civil Rights Director Deborah Lauter’s speeches to ADL’s Women’s Initiative and Board captures in five words what ADL is up against every single day: the fierce urgency of now. Hatred, bigotry and bias wax and wane, but almost every day, ADL works to proactively stop hate before it starts, or ADL has to

ADL National Civil Rights Director to Speak to Women’s Initiative

With terrorists targeting journalists and police, the traditional champions of our constitutional freedoms, and grand jury decisions on allegations of police brutality prompting protests, civil rights are on top of everyone’s mind these days. That’s why the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL’s) Women’s Initiative brings National Civil Rights Director Deborah Lauter to Houston February 18 to discuss:  “The Fierce Urgency of Now:

2015 Walter Kase Teacher Excellence Award Applications Available

The Walter Kase Teacher Excellence Award pays tribute to three Region IV educators for their outstanding efforts to create an atmosphere in their schools that rejects prejudice and regards diversity as a strength.  The Award is named after Holocaust survivor Walter Kase, who has dedicated much of his life to speaking to youth, educators, and community leaders about the dangers

Susan Shaw Receives Milton A. Senn Award for Professional Excellence

ADL Associate Director and Director of Education Susan Shaw received the ADL’s highest award for employees, the Milton A. Senn Award, at Southwest Region’s November board meeting. The Milton A. Senn Award is given to two ADL employees, one at ADL’s National Headquarters and one regional employee,  for professional excellence.   Criteria include the creativity, conscientiousness and dedication, effectiveness in carrying