ADL Blog

Southwest Region Speaking Engagements 2020

Southwest Regional Director Mark B. Toubin was in high demand as a speaker on 2020. He spoke in person to or appeared virtually on over 30 programs, including Facebook Live presentations, panel discussions and organizational meetings. Highlights include: Asian Americans Salute Frontline Heroes: “From Vincent Chin to George Floyd” Webinar Unity in Diversity Amidst Covid-19 Nesti for Faith & Culture

Southwest Region Education Accomplishments in 2020

Everything is different because of COVID-19, but ADL’s Education department has been working hard to continue providing resources to educators, students, and caregivers.  Here’s a sampling of what we did. No Place for Hate® We are marking the 20thanniversary of No Place for Hate® in this 2020-2021 school year. We created the hashtag #NPFHSW2020 for the anniversary and began posting No

Sherry Bender Levy Receives ADL’s Milton S. Popkin Award

ADL’s Southwest Region presented former board chair and longtime board member Sherry Bender Levy with its Milton S. Popkin Award at the Southwest Region’s December 2020 board meeting. The Popkin Award was established by the family of Milton S. Popkin to honor his memory.   Popkin served as chair of ADL’s board from 1969-70 and also was an ADL National Commissioner.

Building Bridges, Becoming Allies Offers Meaningful Stories on What It Means to Be an Ally

ADL Southwest’s Zoom presentation, Building Bridges, Becoming Allies, featured a diverse panel of four Houston-area residents who told stories of when they or their communities were targeted by hate, and how allies helped them cope.  Attendees heard from Dr. Mark Goldberg, Director of Jewish Studies and Associate Professor of History at the University of Houston, Sarah Haider, Assistant Director Chapter

We Hold These Truths to Be Self Evident: That All Men and Women Are Created Equal

That’s the title of the Zoom session ADL’s Southwest Region held to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment.  Our panelists discussed how women fought for the right to vote, the effects of women being allowed to vote, and the challenges that continue to face women voters today.   If you missed the Zoom event, you can