ADL Blog

Arson Investigators Receive ADL Hate Crimes Training

Nearly 50 arson investigators, firefighters, and law enforcement officers participated in a hate crimes training session presented by ADL in San Antonio.  The session, which covered hate crime laws, hate crime victims, reporting hate crimes and how to recognize the signs, symbols and tattoos of people who act on their hate, lasted four hours and provided continuing education credit for the

ADL Presents Centennial Hate Crimes Conference

  ADL’s Southwest Region will present a Centennial Hate Crimes Conference from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 17 at the state Capitol in Austin, featuring a former Department of Justice prosecutor, ADL’s National Civil Rights Director, a U.S. attorney and Austin’s Police Chief. Keynote Speaker Professor Mark Kappelhoff teaches at the University of Minnesota School of Law, and

Casa de Esperanza Foster Parents Receive Miller Early Childhood Initiative Training

ADL Assistant Project Director Pam Autio provided Miller Early Childhood Initiative Training to fifteen foster parents connected with the Casa de Esperanza social service agency. Casa de Esperanza is a non-profit organization that provides help for children and their families in the Greater Houston area and surrounding counties whose lives have been disrupted by abuse, neglect, homelessness, poverty, substance abuse, parental

Southwest Region Proposal Accepted by Harmony Schools

The Harmony Public Schools have accepted a proposal by ADL to provide anti-bullying and cyberbullying workshops at nearly 30 of their high schools across Texas.   The comprehensive trainings will be given to faculty, staff, students, parents and family members in the schools over the next four years. In addition to the workshops, many of the schools will also receive copies

Austin to Host Hate Crimes Conference for Texas

As part of ADL’s Centennial Commemoration, its Civil Rights Division is hosting conferences in various ADL Regions, and the Southwest Region will host a Hate Crimes Conference September 17 at the Texas State Capitol in Austin, featuring University of Minnesota Law School Professor Mark Kappelhoff as the keynote speaker.  Kappelhoff  joined the law school after 14 years as a federal