Blog Archives

Congregation Or Ami Starts Kulanu with Words to Action

Houston Congregation Or Ami became one of the most recent participants in ADL’s Kulanu program by starting the effort with a Words to Action session. The session helped students and adults learn how to recognize and respond to antisemitism. Kulanu, which means “all of us” in Hebrew, is a program dedicated to empowering congregations to address antisemitism and hate in

Remembering August 3rd-Five Years Later

This is an Op-Ed by Peter Svarzbein, the El Paso Community Engagement Manager of ADL’s Southwest Region. Nearly five years after 23 people were senselessly murdered and 22 more were injured by a domestic terrorist at an El Paso Walmart, we are no closer to understanding the depravity of hate and xenophobia that fueled the attack. As one of the

GLI Social and Pride Celebration Well-Attended, Informative

A diverse group of young leaders attended ADL’s Glass Leadership Institute (GLI) Social and Pride Celebration June 25 at Houston’s Koffeteria. GLI brings young adults ages 25-45 together numerous times over the course of a year for educational sessions on ADL’s work, resources, and opportunities for involvement. Participants networked, noshed on delicious food created by Vanaran Kuch, the celebrity chef

AAPI and Jewish Communities Deepen Ties at Kenny and Ziggy’s

Forty members of Houston’s Asian American and Pacific Islander community, and Houston’s Jewish community gathered at Kenny and Ziggy’s New York Delicatessen May 29 to break bread together, learn more about each other, and celebrate Asian American, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander Heritage month and Jewish American Heritage Month. Participants enjoyed tasty deli food, discussed their heritages and how that