Regional Director, Martin B. Cominsky, Marvin Rich, and 2013 Board Chair, Jerry Axelrod
The Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL’s) June board meeting was packed with board members and guests, and there could be only one reason: longtime board member Marvin Rich was honored with a Centennial Citation from the Southwest Regional Board and as a Centennial Champion by ADL National. In a video that accompanied the national honor, ADL National Leadership Director Marvin Rappaport lauded Marvin for his decades of tireless service to ADL both locally and nationally and added, “Marvin, you truly are a Centennial Champion!”
The Centennial recognition is part of ADL’s commemoration of 100 years of work “to stop the defamation of the Jewish people and secure justice and fair treatment for all citizens.”
Marvin and his wife, Shirley also received moving and loving tributes from some of his local fans, including Louis Silver, Paul Colbert, Scott Hochberg, and Steve Finkelman. Paul Colbert said: “I have a tee shirt that says ‘The world is run by people who show up.’ That means Marvin Rich runs the world!”
Scott Hochberg spoke of Marvin’s tireless efforts to support meaningful causes, and his willingness to do so with a smile on his face. “If Marvin knows how to scowl, I’ve never seen it,” Hochberg said.
Steve Finkelman spoke about Marvin’s many years of service, creating vehicles for good. “He was instrumental in creating the Houston Hillel’s board structure,” Steve said, and “he keeps on serving. He really is a role model.”
And Louis Silver summed up Marvin’s dedication by noting Shirley’s dedication and unwavering support: “I would wager that Shirley has attended more ADL meetings than 95 percent of the people in this room, combined!”
Marvin, ever gracious in accepting the awards, said he was truly honored to receive the recognition from ADL, which he called “the most important organization on a national basis, which does its job quietly and effectively.” He said he truly appreciated being able to be a part of ADL.