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ADL Applauds La Marque City Council for Responding to Alleged Racist Remarks

  • June 3, 2014

               (Houston, TX, June 3, 2014) The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) applauds La Marque Mayor Bobby Hocking and the La Marque City Council for their quick and decisive reaction to alleged racist remarks made by a city council member and Planning and Zoning Board Chairman.

                The City Council’s censure of Council Member Connie Trube,  removal of Chris Colombo as Planning and Zoning Board chairman and earmarking of money to further investigate allegations of racism send a strong message that racists remarks are wrong and will not be tolerated.

                “Racism has no place in the city of La Marque, in this state, and in this country,” said ADL Southwest Regional Director Martin B. Cominsky.   “We welcome the decision by La Marque’s City Council to address alleged racist remarks made by city leaders and let them know they will not be allowed.”

                For more information or to set up an interview, please call Dena Marks at 713-627-3490, ext. 234 or on her cell at 832-567-8843.