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ADL National Civil Rights Director Discusses “The Fierce Urgency of Now”

The title of Anti-Defamation League (ADL) National Civil Rights Director Deborah Lauter’s speeches to ADL’s Women’s Initiative and Board captures in five words what ADL is up against every single day: the fierce urgency of now. Hatred, bigotry and bias wax and wane, but almost every day, ADL works to proactively stop hate before it starts, or ADL has to

Eboo Patel Inspires at ADL’s Religious Leaders Institute

Noted interfaith scholar and author, and founder of Interfaith Youth Core, Eboo Patel, was well received at ADL’s June 12 Coalition for Mutual Respect Religious Leaders Institute program at Christ the King Lutheran Church.  More than 80 clergy and spiritual leaders, including Rev. Mike Cole, Presbyter, Presbytery of New Covenant, and Bishop Mike Rinehart, Gulf Coast Synod, Evangelical Lutheran Church