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Students Learn to Respond to Bullying at ADL’s 2015 Beau and Abe Merfish No Place for Hate® Youth Summit

350 middle school students and 75 educators from No Place for Hate® campuses participated in the Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL’s) Beau and Abe Merfish No Place for Hate® Youth Summit October 23 at the South Texas College of Law. The students, from numerous school districts in ADL’s Southwest Region spent all day learning how to recognize bullying, how to prevent it,

No Place for Hate® Registration Underway

Registration has begun for participation in the Southwest Region’s No Place for Hate® Initiative for the 2015-2016 school year.   This marks the 15th year of the Initiative in the region, which provides educators and students with the resources to ensure that anti-bias and diversity education are an integral part of the school curriculum. No Place for Hate® also helps to create

Southwest Region Proposal Accepted by Harmony Schools

The Harmony Public Schools have accepted a proposal by ADL to provide anti-bullying and cyberbullying workshops at nearly 30 of their high schools across Texas.   The comprehensive trainings will be given to faculty, staff, students, parents and family members in the schools over the next four years. In addition to the workshops, many of the schools will also receive copies