Blog Archives

ADL Thanks Rodney Ellis for Op-Ed on Religious Freedom

The Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL’s) Southwest Region thanked Texas Senator Rodney Ellis (D-Houston) for his advocacy and leadership in writing an Opinion piece for the Houston Chronicle that warned Texans against using protection of their religious freedom as an excuse to discriminate against others. Among the points Senator Ellis made: “What we’re really talking about is allowing people to be fired

Speak Out Against Discriminatory Bills

ADL is concerned about dozens of bills still pending in the Texas legislature that could end up discriminating against citizens in the name of religious freedom.   We urge you to let House Speaker Joe Straus know you don’t support discrimination and you feel confident he doesn’t support it, either. You can send him your thoughts at: See a sample

ADL Asks Clergy to Support Religious Freedom

ADL Southwest Regional Director Martin B. Cominsky has sent an e-mail  to area clergy, asking them to support Texas Believes, an effort to convince legislators to reject bills that would limit full religious freedom for all Texans.   Below is a copy of that e-mail, with a link to Texas Believes. Dear Friends, Since its inception, ADL has been committed to