ADL Blog

Action Alert: Help ADL Campaign for Humane Immigration Reform

As an agency that supports inclusiveness, justice and fair treatment for all, ADL has always supported the United States being a refuge for immigrants and having humane immigration policies. Conditions that many immigrants and refugees find themselves in now are inhumane and cruel.  ADL continues to call for oversight of detention facilities and alternatives to detention, reunification of families, and

Monica Bauer Visits Southwest Region

ADL’s director of Hispanic Affairs, Monica Bauer spent several days in the Southwest Region recently, working hard during a whirlwind of meetings and appointments to fulfill ADL’s Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Mexico and provide information to ADL’s stakeholders on our work with Latin American countries. In San Antonio, Monica provided anti-bullying training for 35 people who attended in person

ADL Leader in Immigration Program

As a border state with a large and growing immigrant population, Texas is disproportionately affected by federal immigration policies and is ground zero for the national immigration debate.  The Houston region, home to 1.6 million immigrants, is key to understanding the importance of immigrants to local economic growth and community stability. At a conference March 7th, more than one hundred