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2023-2024 Glass Leadership Institute Class Graduates With Enthusiasm

  • June 5, 2024

Nine Members of the Southwest Region GLI Class with Associate Director Margi Levin

Members of ADL Southwest’s 2023-2024 Glass Leadership Institute (GLI) graduated the same way they approached their time in GLI: with enthusiasm. Ten members of the class gathered together at a restaurant in Bellaire, Texas to celebrate what they had learned over their nine months in the program, and to talk about how they wanted to continue with ADL going forward.

GLI is ADL’s national program for young leaders age 25-45 who want to dive into ADL’s work and figure out how they want to be involved. They attend nine months of classes designed to acquaint them with various ADL initiatives and issues, and their training culminates with ADL’s National Leadership Summit in New York City.

GLI participants learn about ADL’s Center on Extremism and its work to rout out haters and extremists; ADL’s advocacy work with legislators and other government officials; ADL’s law enforcement professional development classes; No Place for Hate, Words to Action, and other educational programs and resources to counter antisemitism and hate, ADL’s support of Israel, and ADL’s development work.

This year’s cohort of participants demonstrated great interest in discussing the importance of ADL’s work and how it fits into world events. Most of them agreed it was an eye-opening, moving experience.

“Our first class was two or three days after October 7,” said Sabrina Tour. “I enjoyed having a group to talk to and be with after October 7. To me, it was very, very meaningful.”

Discussions of October 7 and other events helped participant Rachael Levy grasp the meaning of antisemitism. “It helped me identify antisemitism and why it is antisemitism to others.”

Mercedes Sanchez said, “I learned a lot. I wasn’t very familiar with Jewish culture. I learned about the diversity of the Jewish community, and ADL’s advocacy arm. I was very impressed by how organized and well-run ADL is.”

“I really appreciated the access to information,” said Harrison Biro. “Learning about extremist groups like the Ku Klux Klan and others… that opened up a rabbit hole and new interest for me.  It’s kind of incredible how deep that goes.”

Participants also appreciated their participation in the National Leadership Summit. “The energy, variety of speakers, and overall atmosphere gave me a sense of optimism,” said Marina Dupuy. “I was more optimistic when I left than when I arrived.”

“The National Leadership Summit was a capstone experience,” Alexis Elafros said.

Other participants said they knew something about ADL’s work in the Jewish community, but not its dedication to fighting other types of hate. “I kind of always thought it was just for us,” said Jamie Davis, “but it’s full-scale for everyone.”

Arun Gir said GLI helped him put a face to data. He enjoyed hearing from ADL staffers about the work they do. “The combination of having really interesting insight into the data and applying it to the real world experiences of people; that really humanized it for me.”

Harel Bassan, who came to the United States from Israel as a shaliach, a representative of the country whose job is to engage and educate the Jewish community about Israel, says he received an education about the United States. He said he knew about hate and how it affects Israelis, but GLI “helped me to understand what really happens in the United States.” He said GLI helped him understand the fight against antisemitism is “a global fight for the Jewish people,” and that “we’re not as invested in the future as we need to be.”

Investing in the future is what GLI is all about. ADL Southwest hopes the GLI graduation won’t be the end of participants’ involvement with the agency.  It definitely won’t be for Andrew Burnett, who has accepted the job of GLI chair and who has big ideas for next year’s class. “I want each of you to nominate two people for the next cohort of GLI participants,” he told graduates, “and I want GLI alums to attend the National Leadership Conference and get other GLI participants to attend.”

GLI participants who graduated but couldn’t attend the graduation dinner include Zoe Alterman, Jose Bravo, Laurie Drell, Janice Byth, Alison Westermann, and Tori Karen.

If you are interested in participating in the next GLI class, know someone who is, or would like to nominate someone, you may nominate yourself or someone else at, or contact Margi Levin at