
ADL’s Coalition for Mutual Respect Calls for Safety and Well-Being of Unaccompanied Minors Fleeing Violence in Central America

  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact:  Dena Marks  713-627-3490, ext. 234 Cell: 832-567-8843  (Houston, August 27, 2014) The Anti-Defamation League’s (ADL’s) Coalition for Mutual Respect, a group of religious, business and community leaders who come together to learn together, promote understanding, and speak out about issues that concern them, are calling for Houstonians to help unaccompanied minors crossing U.S. borders to

ADL and Eight Houston Theatre Companies Commemorate 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Act on Wednesday, July 2

Houston —Wednesday, July 2 is the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Civil Rights Act by President Lyndon Johnson. With that in mind, the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) joins with eight Houston theatre companies and Academy- and Emmy-Award-winning actor Louis Gossett, Jr. to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act and honor six of Houston’s civil rights heroes

ADL Applauds La Marque City Council for Responding to Alleged Racist Remarks

               (Houston, TX, June 3, 2014) The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) applauds La Marque Mayor Bobby Hocking and the La Marque City Council for their quick and decisive reaction to alleged racist remarks made by a city council member and Planning and Zoning Board Chairman.                 The City Council’s censure of Council Member Connie Trube,  removal of Chris Colombo as Planning

ADL Welcomes Passage of Equal Rights Ordinance

The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) welcomes the passage of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) at Wednesday’s city council meeting, and is confident it will help Houstonians fight discrimination in our city. ADL has worked tirelessly to make this ordinance a reality, convening religious and civil rights organizations and individuals committed to justice and fair treatment for all to support the ordinance.  

ADL’s Women’s Initiative and Young Leaders & Professionals Host Righteous Gentile’s Daughter

Jeannie Opdyke Smith, daughter of righteous gentile Irene Gut Opdyke,is the keynote speaker at two Anti-Defamation League events on May 20 for Houston area women and young adult professionals as part of the ADL’s Women’s Initiative and Young Leaders & Professionals programming. Jeannie’s mother, Irene Gut Opdyke, single-handedly saved the lives of 12 Jewish men, women and children by hiding them in the